Wednesday September 25th marked the third installment of the Students Talk Back series, a weekly politics and public policy forum, which is co-hosted by the Schwarzenegger Institute in partnership with the Jesse M. Unruh Institute of Politics. Each Students Talk Back lunch discussion features a bi-partisan panel of students and professionals to offer a balanced perspective on important issues
This week’s panel was focused on K – 12 Education Reform: Education in California. The panel that included LAUSD Superintendent John Deasy and Lori Adams from the California Teachers Association attracted an overwhelming number of students to the event. The audience was able to hear different perspectives on various education policy issues facing California public schools today, including school funding and funding formulas, student testing, teacher evaluations and assessments, and keeping creativity in schools. Questions from USC students and community members demonstrated the large amount of attention that this hot topic is attracting.
The purpose of Students Talk Back is to provide a fair and informative discussion on the most pressing public policy challenges facing local, state, and federal government. Every Wednesday for the remainder of the 2013 Fall semester the Schwarzenegger Institute and the Unruh Institute will continue to co-host the Students Talk Back lunch and discussion series in RTCC 450 at 11:30am.