Thursday, Jun 3, 2021
9:30am – 1:30pm
The Stanford Energy Modeling Forum and the USC Schwarzenegger Institute are pleased to announce an online symposium on California climate policy with a specific focus on the topics of transportation, electricity decarbonization, environmental justice, and job impacts. This workshop will take place during June 2nd and 3rd with 4 hours of videoconferencing beginning during the mornings (PDT) of both days, each containing three or four sessions of a little over an hour in length each.
This event will follow on previous collaborative climate change policy symposiums at USC in November 2019 and November 2020. While previous Symposiums have focused on the transportation sector, this one will broaden to focus on the future of California climate policy across sectors, looking ahead to the next California Air Resources Board Scoping Plan process that will map out California’s strategy to meet its decarbonization goals.
The symposium will bring together researchers and policy-makers from within and outside of California to address these important questions. It will explore the behavioral motivations underlying the current reliance on fossil fuels, evaluate the economics of alternative technologies, and explore the design and potential effectiveness of policies to implement greenhouse gas emission reductions. We will also focus on important environmental justice aspects of climate policy and co-benefits such as job creation.
The symposium will consist of formal research presentations, panel discussions, and a lunch speaker. Confirmed presenters include Antonio Bento (USC), Manuel Pastor (USC), Adam Rose (USC), Michael Wara (Stanford) and Liz Gill (California Energy Commission). We will also have participation by other representatives of California state government. Symposium organizers are Michael Mastrandrea (Stanford), John Weyant (Stanford) and Adam Rose (USC).
We look forward to an excellent set of presentations and a lively exchange of ideas with the audience.